Mike Horstman

Helping transform complex data into business intelligence.

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I thrive on using data analytics and visualizations paired with my business operations experience to make complex data understandable and actionable to help clients achieve their financial and technical objectives.

Microsoft Excel





More about Me

My professional passion lies in collecting, analyzing and visualizing data to provide leaders the clear perspective they need to make informed decisions quickly. I create exceptional levels of client satisfaction by building relationships through mutual trust & understanding, and by providing impactful deliverables in dynamic, pressure-filled environments.

I am currently completing a Data Visualization and Analytics Boot Camp certificate program (expected May 2021) to enhance the tools at my disposal to provide greater levels of service to the programs I support.

Key technologies I use:

Microsoft Excel

Key specializations I have:

Data Visualization & Analytics
Program & Project Management
Financial Forecasting & Modeling
Financial Management
Team Leadership
Stakeholder Management
Resource & Vendor Management
Agile Software Development Methodology

Recent Projects

These are just a few of the projects I have collaborated on.

Los Angeles Property Sale Prediction

Final team project for GW Data Visualization & Analytics Bootcamp. The purpose of the project was to attempt to predict the patterns and characteristics of residential property sales in selected neighborhoods around Los Angeles, CA. We tested various supervised machine learning model in Python to analyze approximately 30,000 residential property sales over a 3 year period. The results of the most successful model (random forest) is displayed in an interactive Tableau dashboard.
Languages/Tools: Python, Postgres database on AWS, Tableau Public, GitHub, VSCode

Analysis Live Dashboard

Interactive Travel Map

Site developed independently to demonstrate skills in JavaScript, Leaflet.js, GeoJSON and HTML. The visualization is an interactive travel history map showing countries, US states and cities visited.
Languages/Tools: JavaScript, Leaflet.js. Bootstrap HTML, Visual Studio Code

Code Live Demo

NYC Bikesharing Dashboard

Dashboard developed to visualize publicly available data from the NYC CitiBike program. The dashboard shows key metrics to help understand ride details over a 1-month period. Additional analysis is located in the Readme.md file on GitHub which includes additional Tableau visualizations that are not included on the dashboard.
Languages/Tools: Tableau Public, GitHub

Analysis Live Dashboard

Mapping Earthquakes

Website developed to call the US Geological Survey API and map earthquakes and tectonic plates in a format that is user friendly and customizable.
Languages/Tools: JavaScript, Leaflet.js, JSON, HTML, CSS, VSCode

Code Live Demo

UFO Sightings

Website developed to enable users to dynamically filter on multiple criteria to get a customized list of UFO sightings.
Languages/Tools: JavaScript, HTML, VSCode

Code Live Demo


The George Washington University

Data Analytics & Visualization Bootcamp | Nov 2020 - May 2021

Virginia Tech

B.S. Mechanical Engineering

I'm available for work.

I am actively seeking opportunities to continue helping clients succeed by focusing on data visualization & analytics while utilizing my years of business operations experience. I'm seeking a full-time role in a fast-paced, agile environment. Get in touch!

Contact Me